“How’s Your News”

How’s Your News meets Amy Sedaris from How’s Your News? on Vimeo.
(This is an extended clip from the MTV series. The clip in the show is a little shorter, but they left in some extra for this online version. Amy was a real charmer and has been a supporter of HYN for years now).
“How’s Your News” is a documentary news series which features a “unique” cast of reporters who travel the country in a bus looking for or waiting for new stories to come to them. How’s Your News first began over ten years ago at a summer camp for adults with disabilities in Massachusetts. Conceived in video class while searching for a format which could include as many people, with as wide an array of disabilities, as possible.

The show isn’t really “about” mental disabilities; it’s just a chance to look through someone else’s eyes and see the world in ways you’ve never seen it before. It could be part of a course in the humanities, or just a course in humanity. It’s also a wickedly entertaining half-hour, one you’ll never regret having surrendered to your television set.

Humor is important in everyone’s lives, visit the web site to learn more about the concept behind this project and enjoy the clip featured below.

Source: How’s your news Boing Boing Video