In-School Screening Picks Up Mental Health Issues

sad-girl student
  • Only a minority of students with suicidal ideation or those who attempt suicide have received mental health services.
  • One approach to improving this situation is through voluntary health screening and subsequent referral to either community-based services or school-based services.
  • In a retrospective review of five years of mental health screening, almost 20% of those screened were found to be at risk and the majority of those were currently not receiving any treatment.

Systematic voluntary school-based mental health screening and referral offers a feasible means of identifying and connecting high-risk adolescents to school- and community-based mental health services, although linkages to community-based services may require considerable coordination.

Source: Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Source reference:
Husky MM, et al “Mental health screening and follow-up care in public high schools” J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2011; 50(9): 881-891.