Shrink ‘n’ Drink

What is up with female hormonal swings? someone, presumably a man, had written on a card. Hormones can be like gasoline on a fire, Julie Helmrich calmly explained. “I know you think they’re bad on the outside,” she said into her wireless microphone. “You should feel what it’s like on the inside.” Then Helmrich, a clinical psychologist of 29 years, offered some advice. “This is going to sound like a joke, but I think it’s wise for you to monitor your wife’s periods,” she said. “You talk about stuff later.” So it goes at “Shrink ‘n’ Drink,” a Q-and-A session convened by Helmrich one evening each month at Cranky Al’s. About 40 adults buy themselves a little beer or wine, maybe some pizza, and take in 90 minutes of wise counsel. link to continue reading

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Source:Milwaukee Journal Sentinel via