Using science to keep teens sober at prom

Its May and that time honoured tradition of Prom is back. Each year across North America, hundreds of teens are killed or injured in alcohol-related accidents connected with their prom night celebrations. Communities, school officials and parents have stepped up their efforts in recent years to prevent these tragedies from happening. Today New York Times columnist Tara Parker Pope takes a look at a new report from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and why parents should use the power of science to explain why drinking isn’t the right choice.Link to read the article
Below is just one of the comments that this article elicited:

Tara, usually you’re right on the money, but this is sheer drivel.
If not prom night, when is the appropriate time to get ripping drunk and do drugs, away from parents and supervision ?
The only note of sober realism that needs to be injected forcefully is, that no one driving can have any alcohol or drugs.
Teenagers. Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Let’s be realistic.
Don’t forget the condoms.
The tux and dress will never be worn again, so it’s OK to throw up on them.  Marcel Duchamp


We’d love to hear some of your experiences and thoughts on this.

Source: New York Times